Page 112 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年3期
P. 112

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             料的基本分类,根据相关研究对芳纶帘线和其他帘线                           参考文献 :
                                                               [1]   郭磊磊 . 低滚动阻力轿车子午线轮胎带束层设计优化 [J]. 胎工
                                                                   业 .2022(12):93-95.
             他轮胎进行了室外场地实车实验分析,从而使得以上                           [2]   董林林 . 隔离剂对子午线轮胎胎体胶性能的影响 [J]. 橡胶科
             研究结果。如今,市场中对于汽车轮胎有着更高的性                               技 .2022(10):82-84.
                                                               [3]   奚丰希 . 半钢子午线轮胎胎面导电胶挤出易中断问题及其导电
                                                                   可靠性研究 [J]. 轮胎工业 .2022(09):121-123.

                         Application of aramid cord in semi-steel radial tire and
                                            outdoor field experiments

                               Zhao Shuxia, Qin Zenghui, Gou Jinfeng, Li Guangting, Shang Rongwu
                           (Shandong Wanda Baotong Tire Co. LTD., Dongying 257500, Shandong, China)

                 Abstract: With the rapid development of the global economy and the improvement of people's living
             standards, cars have entered ordinary households, greatly facilitating people's lives. And tires are the only
             component of a car that comes into contact with the ground, carrying the safety and driving comfort of
             the vehicle. Therefore, the market has put forward increasingly strict requirements for tire performance, and
             the performance and requirements of tire skeleton materials have also been correspondingly improved. This
             article describes the characteristics of semi-steel radial tires, the classification of tire skeleton materials, and
             the comparison of the application of aramid cord and other cord materials in skeleton materials. At the same
             time, outdoor field experiments were conducted on the application of aramid cord in semi-steel radial tires,
             providing a certain reference for relevant personnel's research.
                 Key words: aramid cord; radial tires; application experiments

                                 Good news!The demand of the important tire market is recovery

                 2024 年 1 月 11 日,信达证券发布一篇基础化工行业的研究报告。报告指出,美国进口需求较好,看好轮胎
                美国市场 :替换市场需求较稳定,配套市场明显复苏。
                 2023 年 11 月,美国汽车零部件及轮胎店零售额为 113.15 亿美元,环比下降 4.80%,同比上涨 8.90%。
                 2023 年 12 月美国汽车销量为 145.42 万辆,环比上涨 17.05%,同比上涨 12.97%。
                 美国进口市场 : 2023 年 11 月,美国进口 PCR 数量为 1  778.45 万条,环比下降 7.12%,同比上涨 26.66%,
             比 2021 年同期上涨 12.37% ;
                 美国进口 TBR 数量 155.26 万条,环比下降 0.76%,同比下降 14.59%,比 2021 年同期上涨 8.69%。
                 据分析,2022 年美国进口数量受到累库、去库的影响,去库存已经基本结束 ;对比 2023 年和 2021 年的进
             口数量,2023 年 11 月美国进口需求较 2021 年有明显涨幅,美国进口需求仍相对旺盛。
                                                                                         编自 “ 轮胎观察网 ”

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