Page 107 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年3期
P. 107

测试与分析                                                  杨杰 等·预压量对橡胶减振器减振效果的影响分析

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                         Influence of preloading on the vibration reduction effect of
                                                rubber shock absorbers

                                   Yang Jie  , Li Wanjun  , Zhang Xiang  , Wang Ling  , Zhang Hong  1
                        (1.Hefei Tongzhi Electromechanical Control Technology Co. LTD., Hefei 230088, Anhui,China;
                                    2.School of Physics, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China)
                    Abstract: This article takes the hardness and preloading of rubber as variables and designs eight types of
                shock absorbers, which are installed on the box for vibration tests to compare the vibration reduction effects
                of different shock absorbers. The experimental results show that when the preloading amount is 0.5 mm, the
                vibration reduction effect of the damper under horizontal, longitudinal, and vertical vibration is better than
                other preloading amounts; However, during the vibration process, additional friction occurs due to installation
                gaps, making it easier to produce obvious cracks on rubber with a hardness of 43, which reduces the service
                life of the rubber. When the preloading amount increases to 2.5 mm or 2.0 mm, the cracks on the rubber are
                shallower and the service life is longer. In summary, the use of rubber shock absorbers should appropriately
                increase the preloading amount. At this time, the reduction in vibration reduction effect is not significant and
                the service life of the shock absorber will be improved.
                    Key words: rubber shock absorber; random vibration; experimental research; preloading amount

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