Page 68 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 68

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             于维护,更具市场竞争性,本文所述的胶料自动翻转                           参考文献 :
             装置,成功生产出口到东南亚国家及国内多家轮胎生                          [1]   成大先.机械设计手册(第五版).北京.化学工业出版社.
             产企业,经过客户的实际生产效果对比,获得了客户                          [2]   西安斯米特传动科技有限公司.行星式减速机.2013.
             的认可与好评。                                          [3]   Alen-Bradley.运动控制选型指南.

                  Automation application of material forward and reverse device in
                                            bracelet building machine

                                                  Chen Geng, Liu Jiaheng
                                (Guilin Rubber Machinery Co. LTD., Guilin 541002, Guangxi, China)

                 Abstract: This article introduces an automatic flipping device for rubber materials, which includes an
             upper conveying template for conveying rubber materials forward and a lower conveying template for
             conveying falling rubber materials backward. The front end of the upper conveyor template is equipped
             with a swing frame to transfer the adhesive material downwards to the template. The upper end of the swing
             frame is hinged at the front end of the upper conveyor template, and the lower end of the swing frame
             extends diagonally downwards to transport the template. In this article, the conveyor belt of the upper and
             lower conveyor templates can ensure the accurate flipping position of the rubber material by parallel setting
             and aligning the centerline. The device has a simple structure and is easy to assemble, disassemble, and
                 Key words: automatic flipping; bracelet; building machine

                      The terminal market is sluggish, and the pace of tire production and sales is slowing down

                 据数据显示,11 月中旬以来国内轿车轮胎替换市场整体零售销量环比表现下滑,卡客车销量也继续下降。
                 从开工率来看,隆众资讯数据显示,2023 年第 49 周,半钢胎开工率为 78.96%,同比增加 13.55 个百分点,
             环比增加 0.08 个百分点。全钢胎开工率只有 63.75%,同比下降 0.45 个百分点,环比下降 1.63 个百分点。
                 轿车胎方面,11 月中上旬马牌、米其林等外资品牌大力推广双十一促销,也未能对成交量提升起到带动作用,
             反而导致线下客户被分流,进店率尤其清淡 ; 12 月马牌、固特异、邓禄普、倍耐力、韩泰、玛吉斯品牌部分代理
             风神、玲珑、三角在 12 月主要市场价格维持平稳。
                                                                                    编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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