Page 120 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 120

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                (1)提高了共混胶的交联程度,但也使胶料的门                         参考文献 :
                                                               [1]   刘登样 . 橡胶及橡胶制品 [M]. 北京 : 化学工业出版社,2005.
                                                               [2]   朱玉俊 . 介绍一种新型弹性体材料 —— 聚烯烃弹性体 (POE)[J].
                (2)热氧老化前,可提高共混胶的常温拉伸强度                             化工新型材料,1998(10):20-22+30.
             及模量,显著改善共混胶的高温拉伸力学性能。                             [3]   唐斌,李晓强,王进文 . 乙丙橡胶应用技术 [M]. 北京 : 化学

             Effect of softening system on the aging and high temperature resistance
                                         of EPDM/POE blended rubber

                                           Gong Weiying , Zhang Yong , Deng Tao 1*
                       (1.Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China;
                           2. Luohe Litong Hydraulic Technology Co. LTD., Luohe 462000, Henan, China)

                 Abstract: The influence of the combined dosage of paraffin oil 2280 and low molecular weight
             polyisobutylene (PIB) on the tensile mechanical behavior of EPDM/POE blended rubber before and
             after thermal oxidative aging at room temperature and high temperature was studied by changing the
             formulation of the softening system of EPDM/POE blended rubber. Research has shown that as the amount of
             polyisobutylene increases, the degree of crosslinking of the blended rubber can be improved; Before thermal
             oxidative aging, the modulus and tensile strength of the blended rubber increase at room temperature and
             high temperature, and the high-temperature resistance of the blended rubber is significantly improved;
             After thermal oxidative aging, the mechanical properties of the blended rubber slightly improved at room
             temperature and high temperature.
                 Key words: ethylene propylene rubber; polyolefin elastomers; paraffin oil 2280; polyisobutylene

                             Breakthrough in waste tire recycling, Cabot promotes circular carbon black
                 卡博特公司在 2023 年的国际橡胶会议 (IRC  2023) 上,大力推广其创新产品 STERLING SO-RC110,这是
             一种融合了 10% 回收炭黑 (rCB) 的循环型半补强炭黑。该产品的推出标志着卡博特公司在废轮胎回收利用领域的
                 STERLING   SO-RC110 的开发基于卡博特公司的 EVOLVE   可持续技术平台。这款新型炭黑不仅继承
             了 ASTM  N550 型炭黑的所有优良特性,而且通过共混造粒技术,加入了国际可持续发展和碳认证机构 (ISCC
             PLUS) 认证的回收炭黑。这意味着,该产品在保持高质量的同时,也提高了环保性能。
             传统炭黑 STERLING  SO 的升级,更是卡博特公司在环境保护和资源循环利用方面的一次重要尝试。
             SO-RC110 的推出不仅展示了卡博特公司在材料科学领域的创新能力,也为全球轮胎行业提供了一个循环利用废
                                                                                         编自 “ 炭黑产业网 ”

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