Page 115 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 115

测试与分析                                               张东晋川 等·氟橡胶 O 形密封圈预成型优化因素分析

                                                                  橡胶 O 形密封圈尺寸和拉伸强度波动,能够提升氟橡
                                                                  胶 O 形密封圈加工成型质量和性能。

                                                                  参考文献 :
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                                Analysis of optimization factors for preforming
                                               fluororubber O-ring seals

                                 Zhang Dongjinchuan, Zhang Xiaofeng, Huang Xuanmin, Zheng Qingbo
                              (State owned Chuanxi Machinery Factory, Chengdu 611937, Sichuan, China)

                    Abstract: This article analyzes  the control and optimization of preform processes such as parison
                softening, parison thinning, and parison ring forming during the forming process of FX-17 fluororubber O-ring.
                Experiments have shown that, under constant parameters for the first and second stage vulcanization of
                fluororubber, by optimizing the preforming process parameters for O-ring seals, the quality and performance
                fluctuations of rubber O-ring seals, such as inner diameter, wire diameter, and tensile strength, are reduced
                before and after preforming. After optimizing the preform process, the size and tensile strength fluctuations
                of fluororubber O-ring seals can be reduced, which can improve the processing and forming quality and
                performance of fluororubber O-ring seals.
                    Key words: fluororubber; O-ring seal; preformed; parameter optimization

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