Page 111 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 111

测试与分析                                         郝之勇 等·齿轮泵在炭黑生产中输送 BS 溶液的应用效果分析

                                                       图 3 齿轮泵测试曲线

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                   Analysis of the application effect of gear pumps for transferring BS
                                        solution in carbon black production

                                                    Hao Zhiyong, Zhang Yong
                         (Shandong Oseya Jianyang Carbon Black Co. LTD., Xuecheng 277000, Shandong, China)

                    Abstract: This article verifies the effect of using gear pumps instead of screw pumps to transport BS solution
                in carbon black production through practical application analysis. The practical results show that gear pumps
                can make carbon black granulation control more stable, with low failure rate, small pressure fluctuations, and
                more energy-saving during operation.
                    Key words: carbon black; gear pump; BS solution; carbon black granulation control

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