Page 107 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 107

测试与分析                                              黄鑫 等·松香对 NR 力学性能及水性胶浆附着力的影响

                                                 图 3 剥离实验后布条光学显微镜照片
                                                                  明显降低 ;
                                                                  下降,拉断强度在使用 6 份时达到最大值 ;
                                                                  伸强度呈现一定的相关性,在 6 份时达到最大值,且

                                                                  参考文献 :
                                                                  [1]   孙雯雯 . 包布 V 带寿命影响因素的研究 [J]. 青岛科技大学学报:
                                                                  [2]   冯坤豪,隆燕妮,陈朝晖,等 . 改性松香树脂用量对溶聚丁苯
                                                                      橡胶 / 顺丁橡胶并用胶性能的影响 [J]. 合成橡胶工业,2019,
                    图 4 不同松香用量及含水率对剥离强度的影响

                 Effect of rosin on the mechanical properties of NR and the adhesion of
                                                 water-based adhesive

                                                  Huang Xin, Xue Bin, Deng Tao*

                            (Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China)
                    Abstract: This article investigates the effect of rosin on the vulcanization characteristics and mechanical
                properties of NR, and also investigates the effect of rosin as a viscosity increasing resin added to a water-
                based adhesive system on the adhesive properties of the adhesive. The results showed that as the amount of
                rosin increased, the elongation of NR vulcanized rubber increased, the tensile stress and hardness decreased,
                and the tensile strength reached its maximum at 6 parts; In terms of adhesive performance, the effect of rosin
                on peel strength is consistent with its effect on the tensile strength of vulcanized rubber, reaching its maximum
                at 6 parts.
                    Key words: V-band; wrapping adhesive; water based adhesive; thickening resin; peel strength

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