Page 107 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
P. 107

测试与分析                                   沈红娜 等·空气 / 氮气温控介质在轮胎热机械性能测试中的探讨研究

                参考文献 :                                            [4]   魏莉萍,刘运传,郑会保,等 .DMA 测量高聚物粘弹性参数
                [1]   杨万泰等 . 聚合物材料表征与测试 [M] 北京,中国轻工业出版                重复性研究 [J]. 工程塑料应用,2007,35(6):54-57.
                    社 .2008,168-171.                              [5]  GB/T9870.1—2006/IS0    4664-1:2005 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡
                [2]   狄海燕,吴世臻,杨中兴,等 . 各种因素对动态热机械分析结                   胶动态性能的测定》.
                    果的影响 [J]. 高分子材料科学与工程,2007,23(4):188-191.      [6]  GB/T2941—2006/TS0  23529:2004  橡胶物理试验方法试验制
                [3]   邓友娥,章文贡 . 用 DMA(IV)测试及分析高聚物的动态粘                 备和调节通用程序 .
                    弹性 [J]. 实验室研究与探索,2005,24(5):27-28.

                         Research on air/nitrogen temperature control media in tire
                                     thermomechanical performance testing

                                     Shen Hongna, An Cheng, Chen Lei, Gong Yansong, Li Haiyan
                         (Shandong Fengyuan Tire Manufacturing Co. LTD., Zaozhuang 277300, Shandong, China)

                    Abstract: DMA+1000 dynamic mechanical analyzer is widely used in the fields of thermoplastic and
                thermosetting plastics, rubber, etc. It is mainly used to measure the relationship between the mechanical
                properties of viscoelastic materials and time, temperature, or frequency, in order to obtain information on
                material structure and molecular motion. The testing modes mainly include temperature scanning, stress/
                strain scanning, creep/relaxation scanning, and other modes. Firstly, in the temperature scanning mode, the
                testing conditions for this project are as follows: testing temperature range -40~70 ℃ , maximum force of 10
                N, frequency of 10 Hz, heating rate: 2 ℃ /min, static strain of 7%, dynamic strain of 0.25%. By converting the
                temperature control medium from liquid nitrogen to air above room temperature (T 0 ), this project investigated
                the effect of changing the medium on the tanδ value at 0 ℃ , the T g  value of the glass transition temperature
                of the adhesive, and the tanδ value at 60 ℃ . The study found that the impact range of changing the medium
                on these three values is within the allowable range of statistical error. In addition, research and analysis
                were conducted on the switching temperature of the medium. Through the study of air switching at four
                temperatures: T=T 0 +3, T=T 0 +5, T=T 0 +8, and T=T 0 +10, it was found that the experimental curve had good stability
                when conducting air cutting at T=T 0 +8.
                    Key words: temperature controlled medium; liquid nitrogen; air; influence

                                           Chinese tire company chooses Cambodia again

                正道轮胎(柬埔寨)有限公司,建设年产 600 万套半钢子午线轮胎及 120 万套全钢子午线轮胎项目。
                    正道轮胎有限公司成立于 2011 年,位于山东菏泽曹县,前身为龙跃橡胶,是一家专注于高性能乘用车轮胎
                的高新技术企业。2018 年,潍坊华东橡胶收购了龙跃橡胶,并正式更名为正道轮胎。
                    正道轮胎先后投资 25 亿元,分别于 2012 年和 2015 年完成了两期半钢项目建设投产,在 2023 年又成功扩
                产全钢产能。目前,该公司拥有年产 2500 万套高性能半钢子午线轮胎以及 510 万套全钢子午线轮胎的生产能力。
                                                                                       编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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