Page 102 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
P. 102

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT


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               Development of ultra high temperature and high pressure completion
                                                     block seals

                                                      Chen Tongxiao
                                  (CNOOC Energy Development Co. LTD., Tianjin 300450, China)
                 Abstract: As an important tool for maintaining wellbore integrity and achieving layered exploitation of
             underground resources in well completion engineering, the reliability and stability of block sealing work are
             self-evident. In ultra-high temperature and high pressure oil and gas fields, higher requirements are placed on
             the temperature and pressure resistance of block seals, and there is little research in this area in China. This
             article develops multiple size series of well completion block sealing tools through the development of new
             high-temperature resistant airtight materials, the design of block sealing structures, and the combination of
             structural simulation and experiments. This series of tools has a temperature resistance of 204 ℃ and a pressure
             resistance of 10000 psi, providing domestic tool support for the development of ultra-high temperature and
             high pressure oil and gas fields in China.
                 Key words: ultra-high temperature and high pressure; oil and gas fields; completion tools; block sealing

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