Page 66 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年6期
P. 66

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             by melt blending polypropylene (PP) materials with bio based EPDM and petroleum based EPDM respectively.
             High energy electron beam crosslinking treatment was applied to the interior skin of automobiles, and the
             changes in related properties of different types of EPDM interior skin after electron crosslinking treatment were
             analyzed. The results showed that the mechanical properties of Bio EPDM were improved after electronic
             crosslinking, while the mechanical properties of EPDM skin were reduced after electronic crosslinking; The
             melting viscosity of the cross-linked skin material increases, which is beneficial for maintaining the pattern of
             the car interior; Electronic crosslinking can improve the flame retardancy and thermal stability of the interior
             surface, but it will worsen the odor of the interior skin, and low odor treatment is required before use.
                 Key words : automotive interiors; TPO; electron crosslinking; EPDM

                                             炭黑龙头 重大项目签约
                                      Leading enterprise of carbon black sign major projects

             仪式。双方签订 “ 超导电炭黑在锂电池中的应用评测及机理研究 ” 项目合作协议,共同开展黑猫国产超导电炭材
                                                                                    编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

                                            14.6 亿轮胎项目,获批!
                                               1.46 billion tire project approved!

                 A 股绿色报告 ” 项目监控到的数据显示,风神股份(SH600469,股价 6.08 元,市值 44.35 亿元)高性能巨
             型工程子午胎扩能增效项目环评审批获原则同意。该项目总投资额达 14.64 亿元。该审批信息于 2024 年 4 月 22
                 风神股份的主营业务为轮胎加工制造,占营收比例为 98.01%。202 年,风神轮胎实现营业总收入 57.39 亿元,
             同比增长 15.05% ;归母净利润 3.49 亿元,同比增长 312.74% ;扣非净利润 3.30 亿元,同比增长 548.60%。
                                                                                    编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”


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