Page 67 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年7期
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理论与研究 王旭升 等·环氧树脂增韧改性的研究进展
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Research progress in toughening modification of epoxy resin
Wang Xusheng, Lao Zhichao, Peng Qiang, Gao Ting, Ma Xiuqing*
(Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China)
Abstract: Epoxy resin (EP) is often used as an adhesive due to its excellent adhesive properties and
mechanical hardness. However, the insufficient toughness of EP limits its wider application, so toughening and
modifying EP is crucial. This article reviews the latest research progress in EP toughening modification from
five aspects: rubber toughening EP, thermoplastic resin toughening EP, thermotropic liquid crystal polymer
toughening EP, hyperbranched polymer toughening EP, and flexible chain curing agent toughening EP.
Key words: epoxy resin; toughening; modification
2024 第 50 卷 ·19·