Page 85 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年3期
P. 85

材料与配方                                       于智鸿 等·氮化碳填料的加入对环氧树脂 E-44 导热性能的影响

                EP 的导热系数由 0.275  5 W/(m·K) 上升至 0.375  5           g-C 3 N 4 作为导热填料制备的复合材料。CNNns/EP 复
                W/(m·K)。由图 6 可以看出,g-C 3 N 4 与 CNNns 导             合材料的热导率最高达到了 0.442  0W/(m·K),此时填
                热填料对 E-44 环氧树脂具有显著热传导强化效果,                        充比为 26.8%( 质量分数 )。
                CNNns 的强化效果更加显著。
                    分数 g-C 3 N 4 /EP 和 CNNns/EP 复合材料的增强倍          参考文献 :
                                                                  [1]   杨斌,孙蓉 . 热界面材料产业现状与研究进展 [J]. 中国基础科
                3 结论                                              [2]   郑冬芳,刘均庆,梁文斌 . 导热绝缘复合材料研究 [J]. 炭素技
                    将 g-C 3 N 4 用强酸质子化剥离法和高速离心法分                      术,2022,41(01):37-40.
                                                                  [3]   刘少刚,王李波,王晓龙,等 . 高导热网络聚合物基复合材料
                离制备具有纳米片状结构的 CNNns,以 E-44 环氧树
                                                                      的研究进展 [J]. 中国塑料,2019,33(08):127-135.
                脂为基体树脂,g-C 3 N 4 与 CNNns 作为导热填充材料,                [4]   段贤扬,徐继红,何梦奇,等 . 二维石墨相氮化碳纳米片的制
                分别制备 g-C 3 N 4 /EP 与 CNNns/EP 复合材料,制备的                备及其光催化性能 [J]. 精细化工,2021,38(01):83-90.
                                                                  [5]   曹聪,陈昊哲,刘晓航,等 . 正丁基缩水甘油醍改性环氧树脂
                                                                      的性能及固化动力学 [J]. 热固性树脂,2017,32(05):19-22.
                数的增加,复合材料的热稳定性逐渐增强,以 CNNns

                  Effect of adding nitrogen carbon filler on the thermal conductivity of
                                                     epoxy resin E-44

                                                      Yu Zhihong, Han Yue*
                           (Shenyang University of Science and Technology, Shenyang 110167, Liaoning, China)

                    Abstract: This article uses melamine as raw material to prepare graphite phase carbon nitride (g-C 3 N 4 )
                through direct thermal polymerization, and then prepares two-dimensional g-C 3 N 4  nanosheets (CNNns)
                through strong acid exfoliation and high-speed centrifugation methods. Using g-C 3 N 4  and CNNns as thermal
                conductive fillers and epoxy resin E-44 (EP) as matrix resin, g-C 3 N 4 /EP composite materials and CNNns/EP
                composite materials were prepared, respectively. The functional groups and surface morphology of carbon
                nitride thermal conductive fillers were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR),
                scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and other characterization methods. The influence of the addition
                of carbon nitride fillers on the thermal stability and thermal conductivity of epoxy resin E-44 was studied
                through thermogravimetric analysis and thermal conductivity. The results showed that the addition of carbon
                nitride fillers improved the thermal stability and thermal conductivity of epoxy resin E-44; The thermal stability
                and thermal conductivity of CNNs/EP composite materials are significantly better than those of g-C 3 N 4 /
                EP composite materials; When the filling ratio is 26.8% (mass fraction), its thermal conductivity is the highest,
                reaching 0.442 0 W/(m•K).
                    Key words: g-C 3 N 4 /EP; CNNns/EP; epoxy resin; composite materials; thermal stability

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