Page 123 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年6期
P. 123

产品与设计                                  张志 等·基于 CAE 的机械式双模轮胎定型硫化机底座结构分析与优化

                   (2)上面板中央区、底座中间区、两侧变形区四                             已知由于材料存在不可避免的弹性变形,所以本
                处形变较大区域增加支撑筋板(筋板厚度改为 t=35                         次优化方向一是尽量使底座的变形量变小,二是使变
                mm,同时增长原有筋板 100  mm,与优化 2 一致 ;调                   形趋势呈现出与热板圆形结构对应的小梯度规律均匀
                整圆孔中间位置筋板位置和结构样式)。                                渐变。考虑到本次 CAE 分析优化仅考虑了底座的刚度,
                    CAE 设定条件与初始 CAE 设定相同,网格密度                     实际工况下硫化机底座上平面与热板固定,两者结合
                及质量基本一致。                                          刚度会有有一定的增强。所以鉴于优化的成本效益,
                    优化后仿真结果对比可知(图 9):                             在不更改原有底座大结构和原材料的情况下,本次迭
                    与结构优化 2 相比底座的中间圆孔位置形变减小,                      代三次后认为已经可较好的提高原有结构的使用刚度
                且整个与加力后精度相关的上面板核心区呈现大体均                           性能。
                                                                  4 结语
                                                                      目前随着 CAE 和计算机科学技术的发展和推广应
                                                                  现有出现问题假设原因 —— 抽离简化出可验证的合理
                                                                  模型 —— 通过 CAE 技术验证假设真伪 —— 针对存在
                                                                  问题进行结构优化 ——CAE 技术验证优化结果 —— 多
                             图 9 优化 3 底座形变图                       次迭代至理想效果)对已有产品进行优化迭代也是值

                  Analysis and optimization for the base structure of mechanical dual-
                         mode tire shaping and vulcanizing machine based on CAE

                                       Zhang Zhi  , Hou Wenchao  , Zhang Xiaolin  , Liu Quanze  1
                          (1.Qingdao Hailang Intelligent Equipment Co. LTD., Qingdao 266400, Shandong, China;
                          2. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group Rubber CO. LTD., Xi'an 710000, Shaanxi, China)
                    Abstract: As one of the main tire vulcanization equipment, the mechanical dual-mode tire shaping
                and vulcanizing machine is currently widely used in China's tire industry. Although its transmission structure
                characteristics result in lower accuracy than emerging hydraulic vulcanizing machines, it still has considerable
                market value with its lower price. Therefore, for existing equipment models, improving their accuracy is also
                an important direction for technological upgrading. This article is based on the professional CAE software
                AnsysWorkbench to conduct a structural static mechanical analysis of the base structure of some models of
                mechanical dual-mode vulcanization machines. This analysis mainly simulates and optimizes the deformation
                of the base stiffness that affects the precision of mold closing, providing reference for CAE to participate in
                the optimization and upgrading of existing equipment.
                    Key words: tire shaping vulcanization machine; CAE structural static simulation;base structure optimization

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