Page 86 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
P. 86

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                 挤出生产定型箱的真空压力大小影响管材几何尺                         会造成管道黏接质量不好甚至无法黏接,影响施工质
             寸。真空压力偏大,会造成管材外径超标,影响管材                           量。对于外径为 63 mm CPVC 电力套管,一般需保持
             施工安装质量,甚至会造成插口插不进承口。如果定                           真空定径水箱的真空压力在 -30  kPa 左右,管材的外
             型箱真空压力偏低就会造成外径偏小,管材椭圆,也                           径才可满足要求。

                                           图 10 真空定径水箱压力对管材外壁的影响

             3 结语                                              参考文献 :
                                                               [1]   汪晓鹏,连钦,贺建梅,等 . 无机粉体材料改性 CPVC 高压
                 埋地式高压电力电缆用 CPVC 套管质量在其加工
                                                                   电力电缆护套管的研究 [J]. 聚氯乙烯,2009,37(7):14-16.
             过程中受到各种生产因素的制约,在生产加工过程中                           [2]   连锦杰,王宁 .  探究影响 CPVC 电缆保护管纵向回缩率的影
             必须要做好相应的准备检查工作,确保生产出质量合                               响因素 [J]. 塑料工业,2021,49,(S1):136-138.
                                                               [3]   李飞 .  氯化聚氯乙烯生产工艺与市场分析 [J]. 上海化工,
                                                               [4]   高卫杰,王鹏程,武海涛,等 . 氯化聚氯乙烯后处理工艺优化
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                   Optimization research on processing technology of chlorinated
                        polyvinyl chloride sleeve for buried high-voltage cables

                Yao Wenqin , Zhang Wenxue  , Zhang Hao  , Liu Yuanrong  , Qu Zhicai , Zhang Binshan  , Jing Yuntian  1
                       (1. Jinchuan Group Chemical New Materials Co. LTD.,  Jinchang 737100, Gansu, China;
                              2. Jinchuan Group Chemical Co. LTD.,Jinchang 737100, Gansu, China)
                 Abstract: This article studies the effects of processing conditions, including the mixing sequence in the
             mixing process, the screw host torque, feeding speed, processing temperature, traction speed, cooling water
             temperature, barrel vacuum degree, and sizing vacuum pressure in the extrusion process, on the performance
             of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride sleeves for buried high-voltage power cables. This article aims to improve the
             quality of products by starting from the production process.
                 Key words: chlorinated polyvinyl chloride;process conditions; degree of plasticization; product

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