Page 92 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年9期
P. 92

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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              Effect of the dosage of new antioxidant Naugard 445 on the properties
                                             of EPDM rubber blends

                             Xu Yingshu , Wen Yanrong , Chen Menghan , Yang Zifan , Jia Hongbing 1*
               (1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing
                                                      210094, China;
                      2. Changzhou Langbo Sealing Technology Co. LTD., Changzhou 213200, Jiangsu, China )
                 Abstract: In order to further improve the performance of engine seals for new energy vehicles, this
             paper systematically investigated the effect of the dosage of antioxidant Naugard 445 on the physical and
             mechanical properties of EPDM rubber blends by using 4,4-bis(phenylisopropyl)diphenylamine (Naugard
             445) and zinc salt of 2-thioxomethylmethylbenzimidazole (Vulkanox ZMB2) as antioxidants. The effects of the
             amount of Naugard 445 on the physical and mechanical properties of EPDM rubber blends, thermo-oxidative
             aging properties, dynamic mechanical properties and thermal stability were systematically investigated.
             The results show that compared with the blank rubber, the combination of Naugard 445 and Vulkanox ZMB2
             can greatly improve the aging resistance of EPDM vulcanized rubber, and the compression permanent
             deformation increases with the increase of the dosage of antioxidant Naugard 445. When the dosage of
             antioxidant Naugard 445 is 0.2, the physical and mechanical properties, high temperature aging resistance
             and compression permanent deformation of EPDM rubber vulcanized rubber are optimal, which meets the
             requirements of the new energy automobile sealing ring performance.
                 Key words: ethylene propylene rubber; blending; antioxidant Naugard 445


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