Page 102 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年9期
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橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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                      Influence of far-infrared ceramic powder on the properties
                                                 of silicone rubber

                                            Zhang Jie, Zhang Hong, Chang Shiwen

                       (Shenyang Baoshunan Safety Equipment Co. LTD., Shenyang 110000, Liaoning, China)
                 Abstract: Using a liquid silicone rubber injection molding machine, far-infrared ceramic powder and
             additive liquid silicone rubber materials can be used to prepare far-infrared silicone rubber products. By
             utilizing the thermal effect of far-infrared ceramic powder, the added value of far-infrared silicone rubber
             products can be increased. The addition amount of far-infrared ceramic powder has a certain impact on the
             tensile and tear properties of silicone rubber products. Through comparative experiments, the performance
             of far-infrared silicone rubber samples was tested and compared with that of ordinary silicone rubber samples
             using a universal testing machine. The experimental results show that after adding far-infrared ceramic
             powder, the tensile strength of far-infrared silicone rubber decreases, the elongation at break decreases,
             and the tear strength increases. And within the recommended range, as the amount of far-infrared ceramic
             powder added increases, the tensile strength of far-infrared silicone rubber gradually decreases, the
             elongation at break gradually decreases, and the tear strength gradually increases. When designing the
             formula for far-infrared silicone rubber products, the influence of far-infrared ceramic powder dosage on
             product performance should be considered, and materials should be selected reasonably.
                 Key words: far-infrared ceramic powder; silicone rubber; tensile strength; elongation at break; tear

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