Page 57 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年7期
P. 57

综述与专论                                                          邵长城 等·轮胎胶边改善的探索与实践

                   (2)完善模具上机流程,做到装配人员、操作人                         结了以下几点内容 :
                员和检查人员三级复核,充分发挥自检、互检作用。                              (1)模具装配一次合格率的提升不但可以提高生
                   (3)将模具一次合格率纳入质量绩效考核,督促                         产效率和产品质量,还代表了模具管理工作的水平。
                车间继续加强该方面工作。                                      在今后的工作中,要利用本次小组活动的经验和方法,
                7 项目成效                                               (2)本次 QC 活动开展的较为顺利,比预期提前
                   (1)月度模具安装一次合格率平均为 85.6%。                       2 个月完成既定目标,这其中各部门的配合尤为重要。
                   (2)自主维修处理异常模具共计 370 副,按照每                      在今后再遇到业务难题时,可多借鉴此次的成功经验,
                副外协维修费用 2 万元计算,2023 年 1~12 月为公司                   部门间通力合作,集思广益,提高解决问题的能力。
                节省 740 万元。                                           (3)本次活动再次证明了 QC 小组的优越性,在
                8 总结                                              同部门、不同专业的人员团结起来,发挥各自的长处,
                    通过本次 QC 小组活动,不但解决了实际问题,                       是质量管理活动一种重要的形式,可在全公司重点推
                也提高了各部门间协调合作的能力,全体组员主要总                           广。

                         Exploration and practice of tire rubber edge improvement

                                 Shao Changcheng, Sun Min, Xie Hang, Chu Jianjian, Yuan Bo, Li Haiyan
                         (Shandong Fengyuan Tire Manufacturing Co. LTD., Zaozhuang 277300, Shandong, China)

                    Abstract: Tire is an important part of the car, and the rubber edge as a key part of the tire, its
                performance directly affects the overall performance of the tire. With the continuous development of the
                automobile industry, the performance requirements for tires are getting higher and higher. Therefore, the
                improvement of tire rubber edge is particularly important. However, the aftermarket of use and processing
                has not yet formed a set of independent transformation of the benign system,which constrainted the use of
                mold quality and service life and tire quality. Once there is an abnormality that requires modification or repair
                of the mold, you need to go to the mold manufacturer to deal with, accompanied by a long cycle and high
                cost. This situation directly affects the production efficiency and the benign control of manufacturing cost,
                and also causes the waste of resources and labor.
                    Key words: tire rubber edge; improvement; QC tools

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