Page 66 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年1期
P. 66

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                                                               1.15 导开装置
                                                                   导开装置 :①双电机控制,“ 零张力 ” 导开,最
                                                               大限度减小物料的拉伸变形 ;②匀速导开 ;倒卷功能 ;
                                                               ③可选台车纠偏功能,如图 17。

                           图 15 自动上圈系统

                                                                               图 17 导开装置

                                                               2 结语
                                                               鸿沟,实现了 “ 两段工艺,一次法效率 ” 的目的。将
                        图 16 自动上圈位置示意图

                      Development of a two-stage one-step building machine for
                                              semi-steel radial tires

                                                          Li Zhijun
                             (Jiangsu Zhongjin Machinery Co. LTD., Changzhou 213300, Jiangsu, China)
                 Abstract: The two-step and one-step in the forming of semi-steel tires have always been parallel. In recent
             years, the one-step equipment has developed rapidly, which has led to the gradual marginalization of two-
             step technology. Even the AT and MT light truck series tires that two-step is good at do not have corresponding
             equipment to use. This article aims to provide a highly intelligent and efficient two-stage building method and
             building equipment.
                 Key words: two-stage; one-step; intelligence; green; turn up and turn down

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