Page 94 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年3期
P. 94

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             for blade quality and cost. Reducing blade weight while ensuring blade quality has become an important
             direction for cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the blade industry in recent years. The foam
             core materials of the web plate and shell contour plate are slotted and perforated in different ways, and
             the adhesive absorption, density and shear properties of the cured foam core materials are calculated and
             tested. Research has found that increasing the spacing between cross grooves and holes, as well as using
             straight grooves, can effectively reduce the adhesive absorption and density of the core material. The shear
             performance of the core material in the G13 direction meets the requirements; The shear performance of
             the straight groove contour plate in the G23 direction is weak; The belly plate is mainly affected by lattice
             reinforced columns; The density of the 40 mm × 40 mm double-sided cross shallow groove and perforated
             sample after adhesive absorption is the lowest, and the weight loss is the highest; The shell contour plate
             is subjected to lattice reinforcement and the interaction between the plate lattice structure; The shear
             performance of the sample with a cross groove spacing of 40 mm×40 mm and a hole spacing of 20 mm×20
             mm meets the requirements, and the weight reduction effect is good.
                 Key words: wind turbine blades; foam core material; slotting and punching; shear performance;

                                        炭黑价格大跌 40% 还要继续跌
                              Carbon black prices have plummeted by 40% and will continue to decline

                 据外媒报道 :尽管 2023 年 11 月欧洲炭黑价格略有上涨,但由于需求连续第 8 个月疲软,欧洲市场 2023 年
                 在欧洲市场,炭黑的交易价格每吨约为 850 美元 ;市场报价显示,12 月底的一周内价格下降了 2%,而 12
             月份全月累计下跌约 5%,与 2023 年初相比迄今下降了 40%。
             新的产能,并将从 2024 年年中开始投产。
                 随着俄罗斯持续通过 “ 影子油轮 ” 以及转运等方式大量出口,11 月欧洲炭黑市场保持稳定,增量需求被供过
                 国内市场方面,根据监测的数据显示,截至目前,国内 N220 炭黑市场价格在 8  633 元 /t,相较于 2023 年 1
             月份 12 050 元 /t 的价格高点,一年来,下滑幅度接近 30%。
                 据行业机构预测,后市来看,高温煤焦油市场行情或持续弱势,对炭黑成本面支撑不佳 ;厂家对炭黑原料采
                                                                                                编自 “ 聚胶 ”

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