Page 74 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年3期
P. 74

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                 Abstract: The tire industry in China is developing rapidly, but at present, there is no efficient tire embryo
             bonding device in China. The existing embryo bonding device has a complex structure, large volume, low
             degree of automation, and low production efficiency. In response to this issue, the author of this article has
             developed an all steel building machine that efficiently fits the drum chassis. This chassis can use various
             sizes of adhesive drums, making the overall size of the chassis smaller, the working mechanism design more
             concise, and the maintenance workload smaller. By monitoring through the cloud platform, the production
             time of single embryo can be saved by 12 seconds, and the shift production can be increased by 27.
                 Key words: tires; embryo adhesion; fit drum chassis

                                         Chinese tires, firmly ranked first in the world!

                 中国轮胎业在 2023 年表现出令人瞩目的韧性和活力,全年产量近 10 亿条,稳居全球第一。在全球经济高通
                 据了解,2023 年中国橡胶轮胎外胎产量达到了惊人的 9.877  54 亿条,较上年同期大幅增长 15.3%。在全
             球轮胎销量中,中国轮胎占比高达 56.46%,无人能敌。其中,半钢胎和全钢胎作为轮胎行业的主导产品,也取
             得了显著增长。全年全钢轮胎产量达到 1.39 亿条,同比增长 14%; 半钢轮胎产量更是高达 5.91 亿条,同比增长
                 在出口方面,中国轮胎同样展现出强大的全球竞争力。2023 年,中国共计出口新的充气橡胶轮胎 6.164  0 亿
             条,同比上涨 11.8%; 出口金额达到 1 501.126 5 亿元,同比上涨 19.5%。其中,山东省作为中国轮胎的重要产区,
             出口橡胶轮胎达到了 923.6 亿元,同比增长 20.6%。
                 展望 2024 年,业内人士普遍看好中国轮胎市场的前景。多家头部轮胎企业表示,目前订单饱满、工厂满产,
             随着国内外经济形势的回暖和行业景气度的持续提升,预计 2024 年中国轮胎市场将继续保持旺盛的增长势头。
                 然而,业内人士也指出,虽然中国轮胎业整体形势向好,但市场竞争依然激烈。在 2024 年,预计半钢胎市
                                                                                         编自 “ 炭黑产业网 ”

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