Page 70 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
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橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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                               Research status of hydrogel in medical field

                Wang Wei , Li Danjie , Li Fei , Xia Peibin  , Wang Chaowei , Yu Liuyang  , Yang Yajie , Cheng Jie ,
                                                      Cui Jingqiang 1,2 *
                (1. Henan Key Laboratory of Medical Polymer Materials Technology and Application, Changyuan 453000,
                                                       Henan, China;
                 2. Henan Tuoren Medical Instrument Research Institute Co. LTD., Changyuan 453000, Henan, China )
                 Abstract: Hydrogel is a three-dimensional network with high water content and high swelling properties.
             It has good biocompatibility and can simulate human tissue, making it an ideal biomaterial for tissue
             engineering. This article mainly introduces the application status of hydrogel in the medical field, aiming to
             provide reference for the research and product transformation of hydrogel in the medical field. Finally, the
             development of hydrogels in the medical field is prospected, and the future research directions are proposed.
                 Key words: hydrogel; medical field; preparation; application

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