Page 80 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 80

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                  表 6 胎面气孔率试验胎的高速性能测试数据                        显差异,属于实验误差范围内。
              检测阶段           -1         试验时间 /min
                        /(km·h )
                                 试验胎 X    试验胎 Y    试验胎 Z
                 1       0-200     10       10        10       3 结论
                 2        200      10       10        10
                 3        210      10       10        10          (1)采用华莱士比重计法测量挤出胎面胶样硫化
                 4        220      10       10        10       前后的比重可进行气孔率测算。
                 5        230      20       20        20
                 6        240      10       10        10          (2)胎面气孔率过高时对于磨耗性能略有影响。
                 7        250      10       10        10          (3)胶样的采取方式 —— 从压出生产设备冷却线
                 8        260      10       10        10
                 9        270      10       10        10       下来,进入卷取打卷之前,裁取宽约 20~30  cm 的胎
                 10       280      10       10        10       面断面,在胎面截面,可视气孔最多处(一般为胎肩
                 11       290      7.5      7.6      7.3
                注 :充气压力为 300 kPa,负荷率为 73%。
                                                                  (4)建议工厂胎面半部件的气孔率控制在 1%~2%
                                                               之间(按 (1) 测量),不同的工厂可借鉴性使用。
             满足企业标准要求,相互之间差值均小于 1%,无明

              Exploring the process of porosity in the tread of semi-steel radial tires

                                                   Zhang Ning, Li Haiyan

                      (Shandong Fengyuan Tire Manufacturing Co. LTD., Zaozhuang 277300, Shandong, China)
                 Abstract: This article mainly compares the cross-sectional porosity of extruded tread, summarizes
             practical experience, and formulates identification methods and reference standards for the porosity of tread
             components to verify the method of cross-sectional porosity of tread and the ratio required for production, in
             order to effectively control porosity and ensure product quality. The results showed that the Wallace specific
             gravity meter method was used to measure the specific gravity of the extruded tread rubber sample before
             and after vulcanization, in order to calculate the porosity. It is recommended to control the porosity between
             1% and 2%, which can be used for reference by different factories.
                 Key words: Lean management; semi steel; tread; porosity; process

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