Page 125 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
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产品与设计 胡昌红 等·论瓶盖包装结构上的人性化设计
图 3 小郎酒盖的前后方案对比
3.4 基于便捷性的瓶盖人性化设计
需要借助开瓶器才能打开,给消费者带来了不便捷的 图 4 拉环冠形金属盖的优化方案
式上找到灵感,在冠形盖的基础上设计一个拉环,如 行业提供有价值的参考和指导。瓶盖设计将继续朝着
图 4 所示。拉环的设计实现了冠形金属盖安稳简便的 更加人性化的方向发展,瓶盖使用体验将会得到更加
开启,体现了瓶盖包装的人性化设计。 全面和深入的提升。
4 结论 参考文献 :
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[3] 唐纳德 ·A· 诺曼.设计心理学 : 情感化设计[M].北京 : 中
力和消费者满意度的关键所在。本文通过对瓶盖包装 [4] 张静,夏露 . 论产品包装开启方式的人性化设计[D].河南 :
结构上人性化设计的探讨,分析现有瓶盖设计的优缺 洛阳师范学院,2018:11.
点,结合人体工程学,提出改进和优化建议,为相关 [5] 胡珊.容器开启方式的人性化设计研究[D].武汉 : 湖北工
Discussion on humanized design of bottle cap packaging structure
Hu Changhong, Yang Jihong, Zhou Min, Ling Shengyu
(Sichuan Yibin Pulas Packaging Materials Co. LTD., Yibin 644000, Sichuan, China)
Abstract: With the continuous advancement of technology and the improvement of quality of life,
bottle cap packaging needs to further consider human needs while ensuring basic functions such as
safety sealing, and achieve humanized design of bottle cap packaging. This article aims to explore the
concept of humanized design in bottle cap packaging structure. By carefully analyzing the advantages
and disadvantages of current bottle cap design, it comprehensively demonstrates the core embodiment
of humanized design in bottle cap packaging structure from key dimensions such as opening convenience,
product protection, user demand satisfaction, and overall convenience. Furthermore, this article integrates
principles of ergonomics and proposes a series of targeted improvement and optimization strategies, aiming
to provide strong references for the innovation and development of bottle cap packaging design.
Key words: bottle cap; opening method; hommization
2024 第 50 卷 ·71·