Page 105 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
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Research progress and application of inorganic filler filled
modified polypropylene
Wang Haoyu , Lao Zhichao , Zheng Hao , Han Shuntao , Ma Xiuqing 1*
(1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. LTD., Beijing 100840, China)
Abstract: This article reviews the research progress of inorganic filler filled modified polypropylene (PP),
including calcium carbonate filled modified PP, silicon compound filled modified PP, and composite filler filled
modified PP, and introduces the application of PP filled modified products in the automotive, power, and
construction fields.
Key words: polypropylene; inorganic fillers; modification; research progress; application
2024 第 50 卷 ·51·