Page 98 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年10期
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橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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             Research progress on thermal conductive plastics with electromagnetic
                                             shielding effectiveness

                              Xie Zhuoli , Liao Wenquan , Lao Zhichao , Han Shuntao , Ma Xiuqing  1*
             (1.Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing
                                                      100029, China;
                               2. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. LTD., Beijing 100840, China)
                 Abstract: With the continuous development of chips, thermal conductive plastics with electromagnetic
             shielding effectiveness have attracted much attention. This article briefly describes the principles of
             electromagnetic shielding and thermal conductivity, and summarizes the research progress of MXene based,
             carbon based, and metal based filler modified thermal conductive plastics with electromagnetic shielding
                 Key words: electromagnetic shielding; heat conduction; filler; modification

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