Page 76 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年1期
P. 76

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                The flame retardant mechanism of high-efficiency expandable flame
                                retardant for flame retardant polypropylene

                                                     Li Lei  , Zhou Jun  2
                           (1.Suzhou Erbang Engineering Plastics Co. LTD., Suzhou 215021, Jiangsu, China;
                       2.Sinoma (Suzhou) New Materials Technology Co. LTD., Suzhou 215021, Jiangsu, China)
                 Abstract: This article uses ammonium polyphosphate (APP), laboratory made triazine based carbonization
             (CFA), polypropylene (PP 3080), and adjusts the corresponding proportion to prepare a ternary composite
             material of halogen-free flame-retardant polypropylene by melt blending extrusion method. At the same
             time, this article studied the effect of ternary composite materials made of composite flame retardant and
             polypropylene (PP 3080) in the ratios of 20:80, 24:76, 28:72, and 32:68, with a fixed APP and CAF ratio of 3:1 as
             the prerequisite for composite flame retardant, on the flame retardant performance. The results showed that
             in the ternary composite flame retardant PP system, when 24% (mass fraction) composite flame retardant was
             added, PHRR, av EHC, and av SEA were reduced by 72.3%, 23.4%, and 44.5%, respectively, compared to the
             raw PP. TPHRR was 1.89 times that of the raw PP, showing excellent flame retardant effect.
                 Key words: ammonium polyphosphate; triazine carbonization agent; polypropylene; flame retardant

                                   时隔五年 金宇轮胎集团重启 PCR 业务
                                    Jinyu Tire Group restarted its PCR business after 5 years

                 2023 年 12 月 12 日,金宇轮胎集团在越南西宁省举行了 PCR 项目奠基仪式。项目总体设计产能为 1 000 万条,
             分三期建设,首期 300 万条预计 2025 年达产。本次 PCR 建设是金宇(越南)轮胎有限公司扩建项目,金宇(越南)
             轮胎有限公司于 2020 年落户越南,目前 TBR 日产已经达到 6 000 条。
                 在过去的五年中,金宇轮胎集团因战略调整等原因,暂时中止了 PCR 业务,专注于 TBR 的发展,在 TBR
             的质量、产能和市场等方面取得长足进步。同时,经过五年的沉淀和酝酿,金宇决定重启 PCR 业务,并对 PCR

                 金宇轮胎集团董事长常咸旭在奠基仪式上表示 :金宇重启 PCR 业务,是经过深思熟虑后的理性选择。一方
             面是为了回应市场需求,丰富整个供应链合作伙伴的业务模块,共同创造可持续发展的市场竞争优势 ;另一方面,
                 首期投产的 PCR 产品销售方向将基于欧美市场的主流需求,面向全球中高端市场。为了满足这一目标,新
             个业内一流的 PCR 轮胎生产基地。
                 金宇轮胎集团始终秉持 “ 共同利益高于一切 ” 的核心价值观,新的 PCR 工厂建设也是将这一核心理念贯彻始
             终 :通过绿色智能制造工艺降低碳排放标准,推进 “ 本土化 ” 战略为当地社会创造新的就业机会,凭借稳定的品
                 重启 PCR 业务,标志着金宇轮胎集团进一步补齐短板,提速并跑,迎难而上,持续发展。
                                                                                  摘编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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