Page 87 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
P. 87

材料与配方                                                 黄鑫 等·类石墨烯材料在 V 带压缩胶中的应用研究

                表 4 G66/N660 替换量对 C 型 V 带压缩胶实际硫化时间                3 结论
                                    的影响                               在 CR/NR 共混胶中填充 G66 新型类石墨烯材料,
                    试样编号         1  #  2  #  3  #  4 #    5  #
                 实际硫化时间 /min    13.65  12.84  12.26  11.94  11.83  随着 G66 对 N660 替换量的增大,
                                                                     (1)共混胶的焦烧时间略有缩短,M L 升高,门尼
                不同 G66/N660 并用比下的共混胶在 100  ℃ ×72  h 的             黏度升高。
                压缩永久变形性能,结果如图 5 所示。当 G66 填充量                         (2)共混胶的硬度、拉断强度、扯断伸长率、定
                超过 18 份 后,CR/NR 共混胶的压缩永久变形更小,                     伸应力有所提升,扯断永久变形略有升高,G66 片层
                说明此时 G66 的片层结构和橡胶分子链产生了较好的                        结构与橡胶分子链的物理结合使其有着比 N660 更优
                物理结合,这种物理结合不像化学交联在高温下会产                           异的补强性能。
                生交联键的重排,而是在高温下有一定的稳定性,使                              (3)共混胶在 60  ℃下的动态剪切损耗模量 G''、
                其在高温下依然能够保持原有的分子链结构,降低了                           储能模量 G' 在填充 18 份时最低,损耗因子 tanδ 在 18
                其在使用过程中受到应力后产生的不可逆形变。                             份时最高,替代时应避开该替代量。
                                                                     (4)共混胶的导热系数增大,V 带的硫化时间缩
                                                                     (5)压缩永久变形呈下降趋势,在填充超过 18

                                                                  参考文献 :
                                                                  [1]   程帅帅 .  高性能石墨烯天然橡胶复合材料的制备及性能研究
                                                                      [D]. 中北大学 .
                                                                  [2]   Noguchi F, Zhou Y, Kosugi K, et al. Effect of strain-induced
                                                                      crystallization on the tearstrength of natural rubber/styrene
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                                                                  [3]   Chen L, Guo X, Luo  Y, et al. Effect of novel supported
                                                                      vulcanizing  agent  on  theinterfacial  interaction  and
                图 5 G66/N660 替换量 CR/NR 共混胶压缩永久变形的                     strain-induced crystallization properties of natural
                                     影响                               rubbernanocomposites[J]. Polymer, 2018, 148:390-399.

                     Research on the application of graphene like materials in V-belt
                                                  compression rubber

                                                Huang Xin , Xie Jiazhen , Deng Tao 1*
                          (1.Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China;
                        2. Southern Graphite Research Institute (Hunan) Co. LTD., Changsha 410000, Hunan, China)
                    Abstract: The study investigated the application of a novel graphene like material G66 in ordinary V-belt
                compression rubber. By replacing N660 carbon black in compressed rubber, the processing performance,
                physical and mechanical properties, dynamic heat generation performance, and thermal conductivity
                of the rubber material were investigated. The results showed that the replacement of G66 increased from
                0 parts to 36 parts, and the t 10  of the mixed rubber was shortened; M L  and Mooney viscosity increase; The
                hardness, tensile strength, and tensile stress of vulcanized rubber increase significantly with the increase of
                dosage. Reduced compression permanent deformation at high temperatures; At the same time, the thermal
                conductivity of the blended rubber increases linearly, and the vulcanization time of the product is significantly

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