Page 62 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
P. 62

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

                 产工艺 [J]. 工程塑料应用,2022,50(02):96-100.               材料的制备、结构与性能 Ⅱ. 热分析与流变行为 [J]. 塑料工业,
             [2]   闫溥,李荣群,邵之杰,等 .  汽车内饰用低 VOC 含量聚丙烯                2005(05):39-42.
                 复合材料的制备 [J]. 合成树脂及塑料,2017,34(04):17-20.       [4]   倪卓,张丽兴,刘啸天,等 .SEBS/PP 共混材料中 PP 结晶行
             [3]   刘芳,吴小华,林晓丹,等 .  原位反应法聚丙烯 / 蒙脱土复合                为 [J]. 塑料,2020,49(04):141-145.

                   Preparation and performance study of low VOC polypropylene

                                         Wang Xiaohui, Hong Yuanjie, Wang Xuanlun*
                                 (Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China)
                 Abstract: This article uses polypropylene as the matrix and calcium carbonate as the filler to simulate
             the main sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the daily production and use of polypropylene
             materials. This article systematically studied the effect of extractant (BYK-P4200) on the VOC of PP composite
             materials, as well as its mechanical properties, thermal stability, and crystallization performance. The
             experimental results show that with the increase of BYK-P4200 dosage, the content of volatile organic
             compounds significantly decreases, the high-temperature performance is significantly improved, and
             the tensile strength does not change much. The addition of a small amount of extractant plays a role in
             heterogeneous nucleation in the polypropylene composite material system, effectively promoting the
             crystallization of polypropylene and improving its crystallization rate.
                 Key words: polypropylene; VOC; extractant; mechanical properties; thermal performance

                  研究人员开发出一种生物基塑料 LAHB,可用于对 PLA 进行改性
                        Researchers have developed a bio based plastic LAHB that can be used to modify PLA

                 PLA 来源于植物等可再生资源,为传统的石油基塑料提供了一种更环保的替代品。然而,PLA 质地较脆,
                 为了克服这些挑战,日本神户大学的研究人员重点研究了一种名为 LAHB 的生物基塑料。LAHB 具有优异的
                 该团队的独创性在于利用工程细菌。通过操纵细菌的基因组,他们成功地创建了一个 “ 细菌塑料工厂 ”,能
             够使用现成的葡萄糖作为原料高效生产大量的 LAHB。
                 此外,研究人员发现,通过控制细菌的基因修饰,他们可以调整 LAHB 分子的长度。LAHB  链越长,最终
                 最令人兴奋的成果是将这种特殊设计的 LAHB 与 PLA 相结合。这种创新混合物提供了卓越的性能组合,例
             如加工性能的增强、强度的提升和快速的生物降解 —— 这种生物基塑料混合物即使在海水中也能在一周内完全分
                 研究人员表示 : “ 通过将 PLA 与 LAHB 混合,我们可以一步解决 PLA 的多种缺点。这种改性材料作为真正
                                                                                         编自 “PUWORLD”

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