Page 127 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年5期
P. 127

工业自动化                                                  刘玲 等·简道云在轮胎制造设备管理中的应用研究

                      Study on the application of Jandao Cloud in tire manufacturing
                                                equipment management

                                         Liu Ling, Qian Yuanhui, Liu Jing, Lou Yuan, Lou Hong
                               (Hangzhou Chaoyang Rubber Co. LTD., Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, China)
                    Abstract: The management of tire manufacturing equipment is complex, requires a large amount of
                work, and requires high data exchange. Traditional equipment management methods can no longer meet
                the current management needs. As a flexible application platform, Jiandaoyun has rich functions, low
                development technology barriers, and can perfectly adapt to various business needs. Starting from the actual
                situation of tire manufacturing equipment, this article designs and builds a tire manufacturing equipment
                management application based on the company's existing equipment management process and combined
                with Jian Daoyun. It not only improves work efficiency and quality, improves management processes, but also
                further strengthens data processing and visualization capabilities.
                    Key words: tire manufacturing; equipment management; Jandao Cloud

                              Industry leaders sign a declaration to revitalize European tire competitiveness

                    4 月 3 日,欧洲轮胎和橡胶制造商协会(ETRMA)宣布,已成为 “ 安特卫普宣言 ”(“Antwerp  declaration)
                    该文件目前已由约 1 000 名行业领袖签署,呼吁达成一项欧洲工业协议,重振欧盟制造业的竞争力。
                    ETRMA 秘书长 Adam  McCarthy 在声明中表示 : “ 我们呼吁欧洲政策制定者在保持欧洲竞争力的同时,继续
                    该宣言于 2 月 20 日由 73 位欧洲企业领导人发起,呼吁采取紧急具体行动,使欧洲在严峻的经济形势下具有
                    根据 ETRMA 的最新数据,目前已有 25 个行业的 900 多个组织加入了该宣言,该宣言敦促欧盟 “ 将工业和
                工业政策置于 2024~2029 年新欧洲战略议程的核心 ”。
                                                                                       编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

                             The net profit of leading enterprises in the tire industry chain soared significantly
                    软控股份 4 月 3 日披露 2023 年年报。2023 年,公司实现营业总收入 56.48 亿元,同比下降 1.54% ;归母净
                利润 3.33 亿元,同比增长 64.40%;扣非净利润 2.63 亿元,同比增长 72.43%;经营活动产生的现金流量净额为 2.31
                亿元,同比下降 39.54% ;报告期内,软控股份基本每股收益为 0.348 6 元,加权平均净资产收益率为 6.63%。公
                司 2023 年年度利润分配预案为 :拟向全体股东每 10 股派 1 元(含税)。
                    分产品来看,2023 年公司主营业务中,橡胶装备系统收入 40.21 亿元,同比增长 23.13%,占营业收入的
                71.20% ;橡胶新材料收入 15.87 亿元,同比增长 9.39%,占营业收入的 28.10%。
                                                                                       编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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