Page 120 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年9期
P. 120

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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                    Application of rapid cutting, water jet separation, and surface
                            desulfurization technology in waste tire recycling

                                                   Tang Fan , Nie Weiyun 2
                          (1. Anhui World Village New Materials Co. LTD., Ma'anshan 243000, Anhui, China;
                        2. Nanjing Jingyi Electric Power New Energy Co. LTD., Nanjing 211200, Jiangsu, China)
                 Abstract: With the increasing production of waste tires, there are various hazards and problems in their
             recycling and disposal, mainly including secondary pollution during treatment and poor product performance
             and stability. This article proposes a waste tire recycling process that combines rapid cutting, water jet
             separation, and surface desulfurization technology to address the problems in waste tire treatment. This route
             systematically analyzes the significant advantages of each stage in waste tire recycling and elaborates on
             how it truly achieves efficient, high-quality, and green application of waste tires. At the same time, under the
             strong promotion of multiple factors such as the rubber market and national policies, the future development
             trend of innovative technologies for waste tire recycling is expected.
                 Key words: rapid cutting; water jet; surface desulfurization; recycling; waste tires

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