Page 92 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年1期
P. 92

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             The results showed that, as SG6 gradually increased from 0 parts to 24 parts, the torque difference of the
             mixed rubber slightly decreased, while t 10  and t 90  remained basically unchanged, and the Mooney viscosity
             slightly decreased; The hardness of vulcanized rubber is reduced, and the tensile strength, elongation at
             break, and tensile stress are improved; At the same time, the dynamic heat generation of the heat-resistant
             conveyor belt cover adhesive is reduced, the thermal conductivity coefficient increases, and the surface
             resistance value significantly decreases, effectively improving the quality of the conveyor belt cover adhesive
                 Key words: new type of nano carbon material SG6; heat resistant conveyor belt; sulfurization
             characteristics; physical and mechanical properties

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                                                                                  摘编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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