Page 107 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年6期
P. 107

测试与分析                                           李攀 等·填料表面改性对 PTFE/SiO 2 复合材料性能的影响

                    Effect of filler surface modification on the properties of PTFE/SiO

                                                   Li Pan, Du Zhongsi, Chen Xin
                   (The 46th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Tianjin 300220, China)
                    Abstract: This article uses acid alcohol solution as a hydrolysis reagent and uses silane coupling agent
                to modify the surface of inorganic fillers. The effect of modified SiO 2  on the dielectric properties, density,
                water absorption, and thermal expansion of PTFE/SiO 2  composite materials was studied. The research results
                indicate that after surface modification of SiO 2 , scanning electron microscopy shows that the interface of
                the composite material is tightly bonded; Adding an appropriate amount of acid alcohol solution during the
                modification of SiO 2  with silane coupling agent can achieve better modification effects; When the ratio of
                acid alcohol solution to coupling agent is 1:3, the PTFE/SiO 2  composite material prepared by surface modified
                SiO 2  ceramic powder has the best performance indicators; The dielectric constant, loss factor, density, water
                absorption rate, and CTE reached 2.949, 0.001 2, 2.182, 0.04%, and 49×10  K , respectively.
                    Key words: coupling agent; PTFE; SiO 2 ; microscopic structure; dielectric performance

                          路博润推出面向热熔胶应用的生物基热塑性聚氨酯 (TPU)
                      Lubrizol launches bio based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) for hot melt adhesive applications

                    2024 年 5 月 16 日,路博润宣布扩大其用于黏合剂的生物基热塑性聚氨酯 (TPU) 产品组合,增加用于热熔胶
                (HMA) 的 Pearlbond™ ECO 590 HMS TPU。
                    Pearlbond™  ECO  590  HMS 热塑性聚氨酯是一种快速固化的解决方案,具有良好的黏合性能,适用于需要
                    路博润工程聚合物全球可持续发展经理 MariaJosep Riba 表示 : “Pearlbond™  ECO  590  HMS 拥有高热塑性
                并且可通过挤压加工,与市场上之前可用的生物基热熔胶聚合物截然不同。此外,它还是一款具有高达 59% 生物
                含量的生物基树脂,如果您需要在兼顾性能的同时降低碳足迹,它将成为理想的选择 ”
                    ESTANE 和 Pearlbond™  ECO 等扩展后的生物热塑性聚氨酯解决方案,将为路博润加速全球可持续发展之
                旅提供支持。 该旅程基于三大支柱,包括生物 TPU、生物质平衡和工业后回收 TPU。
                                                                                            编自 “PUWORLD”


                     因工作失误, 2024 年 5 月第 5 期中文目录中《PCR 成型机带束防拉伸改造及效果分析》一文作者“崔富良”

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