Page 60 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年11期
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橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

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                          Research progress in tire innovation and application
                              under the background of dual carbon strategy

                                                  Tang Fan  ,Nie Weiyun  2
                             (1.Anhui GVG New Material Co. LTD., Ma’anshan 243000, Anhui, China;
                           2.Nanjing Jingyi Electric New Energy Co. LTD., Nanjing 211200, Jiangsu, China)
                 Abstract: In the context of dual carbon, green, energy-saving, emission reduction, and carbon conversion
             and utilization will gradually become the primary requirements of production and life in various industries
             around the world, and the development trend of the tire industry is gradually shifting towards greenery and
             digital intelligence.This article briefly elaborates on the current development status and existing problems of
             domestic and foreign tires under the dual carbon background, and points out that the future development
             of the tire industry needs to start with technological innovation.From multiple perspectives such as core
             raw materials, tire structure, tire technology and equipment, digital design of tire structure, intelligent tire
             production, etc., we need to strengthen independent or cooperative innovation, and create a series of
             tire products with excellent characteristics such as ultra-low rolling resistance, high wet slip resistance, and
             strong silence, The goal of achieving dual carbon gradually permeates the entire field of tire research and
             development, production, and consumption.Taking the rise of new energy vehicles as an opportunity, China
             is expected to grow into a true tire power in the future.
                 Key words: tire; dual carbon strategy; innovation; research progress


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