Page 129 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年2期
P. 129

工业自动化                                     李斌·基于西门子 PLC 的双闭环 PID 控制在橡胶制品挤出上的应用

                                                图 10 串联双闭环 PID 实际控制效果图

                续秤重量实时曲线,重量波动在 ±1.0% 左右。                          参考文献 :
                                                                  [1]   胡敏 . 深入浅出西门子  S7-300  PLC. 北京 :航空航天大学出
                品部件在稳定性、精确性方面都有显著提升,可有效                           [2]   刘金琨 . 先进 PID 控制 MATLAB 仿真(第 4 版). 北京 :电
                提升成型效率和质量,提高产品品质。                                     子工业出版社,2016.6.
                                                                  [3]   杨平,邓亮,徐春梅,等 .PID 控制器参数整定方法与应用 . 北
                                                                      京 :中国电力出版社,2016.12.

                 Application of Siemens PLC-based double closed-loop PID control on
                                              rubber products extrusion

                                                              Li Bin
                                 (Guilin Rubber Design Institute Co. LTD., Guilin 541004, Guangxi, China)

                    Abstract: In the existing tire production technology, the main semi-finished rubber components in tire
                products need to be produced using extrusion technology. The extrusion process of semi-finished products
                is an essential process in the production of automotive tires. The quality and accuracy of extruded products
                directly affect the final quality and accuracy of tire products, as well as the cost of tire production. It is urgent
                to solve problems such as poor stability and poor extrusion accuracy.The control system discussed in this article
                adopts a series double closed-loop PID algorithm for speed closed-loop control, which can effectively solve
                the problems of poor stability and extrusion accuracy in existing tire semi-finished product extrusion production
                    Key words: relaxation extrusion; series double closed-loop PID control; stability; accuracy


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