Page 59 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年8期
P. 59

综述与专论                                      戚伯龙 等·加筋聚乙烯(PE)复合管在供排水工程中的应用探讨

                高温、太阳曝晒和锐物划伤 ;管材热熔或电熔焊接前,                         [3]   段欣瑞 .  我国线性低密度聚乙烯行业分析 [J]. 广东化工,
                                                                  [4]   张连丰 . 聚乙烯管道热熔连接在施工中的应用 [J]. 建材与装饰,
                参考文献 :                                            [5]   卢丹亚 . 热熔连接技术在聚乙烯管道施工中的应用研究 [J]. 科
                [1]   王勇进 . 加筋高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 管材 . 内蒙古自治区 , 乌           技创新与应用,2016(18):133.
                    海市五湖泵业有限责任公司,2003-01-01.                      [6]   GB/T  19472.2—2017. 埋地用聚乙烯 (PE) 结构壁管道系统第
                [2]   寇建章 . 农用大口径加筋耐压高密度聚乙烯管材的生产应用                    2 部分 :聚乙烯缠绕结构壁管材 [S].
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                        Application of reinforced polyethylene (PE) composite pipe
                                    in water supply and drainage engineering

                                                 Qi Bolong, Guo Weili, Chen Meng

                   (Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy Co. LTD., Jinan 250013, Shandong, China)
                    Abstract: Through the study of the pipes used in the design of a certain water supply and drainage
                renovation project, the applicability of reinforced polyethylene (PE) composite pipes was explored. The article
                elaborates on the material, structure, performance, production situation, and construction method of the
                pipe, and lists the requirements and calculation methods for the main performance indicators of the pipe;
                Economic and technical comparisons were made between this pipe material and other commonly used
                pipes, and the construction process of this pipe material was optimized from a design perspective; Listed the
                precautions for the application of this pipe, analyzed and summarized the engineering types applicable to
                this pipe; Finally, the prospects of the pipe in engineering applications were discussed.
                    Key words: Reinforced polyethylene (PE) composite pipe; water supply and drainage pipelines; pipe
                comparison and selection; technical requirements; construction technology

                                          30 亿轮胎项目,一期马上投产!
                                  The first phase of the 3 billion tire project is about to start production!

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                月 18 日正式投产,项目二期工程将于 7 月末动工建设。今年 2 月,箭达天下集团与高新区管委会签约,盘活吉
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                    该项目总投资 30 亿元,占地面积 57 万 m ,分两期建设,项目一期在吉星轮胎原有厂房基础上进行扩建,
                    目前,项目一期新设备已安装完成,旧设备修复基本完成,正在进行最后设备调试,8  000 余万的生产原材
                    项目一期投产后,当年即可实现产值 5 亿元,生产轮胎 240 万条轮胎。目前。今明两年的轮胎订单已经全部
                预定完毕,产品将销往欧盟、南美、北美、中东、东南亚等地区的 106 个国家。随着吉星轮胎的顺利盘活,也解
                决了原企业近 200 人的就业问题。
                                                                                       编自 “ 中国轮胎商务网 ”

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