Page 34 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年1期
P. 34


                                                            CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT

                                                                             (No.1, 2024)

                                                        ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT / China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
                                                        SPONSOR / National Design and Technology Center of R&P Industry
                                                                             Beijing Research and Design Institute of Rubber Industry
                                                                             Haohua Engineering Co.,Ltd.
                                                        SPONSOR ASSISTANT /MESNAC Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                                   Link-Asia Smart Technology (Suzhou) Co.,  Ltd.
                                                                                                   Dalian Second Rubber&Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Tianjin Saixiang Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                        EDITING AND PUBLISHING /
                                                        CHINA  RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND  EQUIPMENT Magazine House
                                                        SENIOR CONSULTANTS/
                                                        Gu Chuanzhi     Jiang   Bo          Jv Hongzhen    Li Dongping    Liu Menghua
            Approved by the State S/T Committee         Lv Boyuan        Yang Shungen   Yu Qingxi          Zhao Caidong
            Monthly · issued Domestic & Abroad
                 Started Pub. since 1975                Chen Yuanrong        Dai Zaocheng    Guan Bingzheng        Han Fucheng
                                                        Hong Shenzhang     Jin Jinyao           Liu Mingtang              Liu Hongwei
                                                        Qu Xuexin                Tian Ning            Wang Chuansheng    Zhang Jianhao
                                                        Zhu Dawei
                Vol.50   No.1   (Total No. 533)
               Published on 1st, monthly  2024          PERIODICAL OFFICE
                                                        Proprieter : Zheng Yusheng
                                                        Deputy Proprieter & COO:Wei Xia
                                                        Chief-editor : Wang Xi
                                                        Deputy Chief-editor : Li Xuetao
                                                        Resp. Editor : Li Xuetao
                                                        Editor : Yang Jing   Zhang Yu
                                                        Technical review:Huang Shaomin
                                                        Art Layout Designer : Wang Jun
                                                        Tel : 0086(10)-53100839
                                                        E-mail for Contribute :

                                                        MARKETING DEPARTMENT
                                                        Advertising Dept. : Wei Xia     0086(10)–53100836   18911556361
                                                        Issue Dept. : Zhang Yu             0086(10)–53100836   18911556331
                                                                               Wang Jun            0086(10)–53100836   18911556368
                                                        Network Dept. : Qi Honglei      0086(10)–53100837   18911556352
                                                        E–mail :
                                                        Post issue code : 2-780
                                                        Foreign publishing code : M1653
                                                        Price : 25 yuan per issue
                                                        Overseas publishing: China International Book Trading Corporation
                                                        Publication: Editorial Department of Rubber and Plastic Technology and Equipment
                                                        Advertising business license : Beijing Chaoyang Industrial Commercial Bureau
                                                                                                            Advertising 20170121
                                                        Address : No. 3-101 , building 8 Rand Huating, Changxi Garden,  Haidian district,
                                                                             Beijing 100049, China
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