Page 110 - 《橡塑技术与装备》2024年1期
P. 110

橡塑技术与装备                                          CHINA RUBBER/PLASTICS  TECHNOLOGY  AND EQUIPMENT

             [8]   王凤萍 . 天然乳胶枕的质量检测 [J]. 中国胶黏剂,2019,               aqueous  extractable  protein  in  latex,  natural  rubber,  and
                 28(6): 55-57.                                     elastomeric products using the modified Lowry method[S].
             [9]   陈倩雯,林嗣煜 . 乳胶枕头产品质量安全风险分析 [J]. 质量与               2015.
                 认证,2019(5): 91-92.                            [12]  ISO-12243-2003Medical gloves  made from  natural rubber
             [10]  陈旭辉 . 天然橡胶与合成聚异戊二烯橡胶的红外光谱鉴定 [J].                latex-Determination of water-extractable protein using the
                 光谱实验室 , 2001, 18(3):314-316.                      modified Lowry method[S]. 2003.
             [11]  ASTM D5712-2015Standard test method for analysis of

                    Analysis on the determination method of natural latex content
                                                  in latex products

                    Zhang Yue  , Zhang Tong  , Ding Youchao , Wu Jing  , Zhou Jia  , Sun Tingting  , Zhang Zhang  2*
                        (1.Jiangsu Textiles Quality Service Inspection Testing Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210007;
                      2. Nanjing Customs District Industrial Products Inspection Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 21000)
                 Abstract: The determination of natural latex content is an important indicator for judging the quality of
             latex products and is also the most concerned indicator for consumers. Due to the complex composition
             of latex products, it is not possible to accurately determine the content of natural latex using a single
             analytical method. This article analyzes the methods for accurately determining the content of natural
             latex using multiple instruments, including thermal decomposition gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,
             infrared spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and UV visible
             spectrophotometry. The mutual confirmation of results is conducive to the accurate determination of natural
             latex content in latex products, which provides data support for combating false advertising of "pure natural
             latex" and is of great significance for promoting the healthy development of the natural latex industry.
                 Key words: latex products; natural latex; polyisoprene; content determination


                                投资 5 000 多万,轮胎企业生产设备大改造
                 Invest over 50 million yuan to carry out major renovations of production equipment in tire enterprises

                 12 月 5 日,普利司通(天津)轮胎有限公司原有厂房生产设备改造项目进行环境影响报告书受理公示。
                 普利司通拟投资 5  473 万元,于现有厂区现有压出车间建设生产设备改造项目。该项目位于公司厂区内,主
                 新型四复合压出机可以实现 4 种胶料同时压出,增加轮胎部材的复合性,提高部材轮胎品质,降低企业能耗;
             四复合压出机采取急冷技术设备,实现去除胶浆涂布并保持表面粘合力 ;四复合压出机采用新型数字化多段速度
             定性,提升轮胎性能从而满足后工序稳定使用,保证轮胎性能稳定 ;胎面采用自动码放方式,取消人工码放,提
                 项目建成后不新增全厂轮胎产能。本项目计划于 2023 年 12 月开工建设,2025 年 8 月竣工投产。
             的中日合资企业,于 2000 年 1 月取得韩国锦湖公司的经营权,工厂位于天津市北辰区北辰经济技术开发区北区,
             主要从事乘用车、轻卡车的中高端子午线轮胎的研发和生产,年产轮胎 846.76 万条。
                                                                                    摘编自 “ 中国橡胶杂志 ”

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